
You can find my peer-reviewed publications below or on my Google Scholar page.


  1. liu_2024_mac.gif
    Sympathy for the Devil: Serial mediation models for toxicity, community, and retention
    Mingxuan LiuJack Lipei Tang, and Dmitri Williams
    Media and Communication, Sep 2024


  1. tang_2023_chb.gif
    Policy communication in times of public health crisis: Longitudinal network analysis of U.S. politician-health agency interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Computers in Human Behavior, Nov 2023
  2. wang_tang_2023.png
    Hybrid communication
    Jian Wang, and Jack Lipei Tang
    In A research agenda for public diplomacy, Jun 2023
    Book chapter
  3. tang_2023_sms.jpg
    Issue communication network dynamics in connective action: The role of non-political influencers and regular users
    Jack Lipei Tang
    Social Media + Society, Jun 2023
  4. young_2023_sn.jpg
    Demographic and HIV status diversities as mechanisms of social integration and segregation among Black sexual and gender minorities enrolled in a community-based social network intervention
    Lindsay E. YoungJack Lipei Tang, and John A. Schneider
    Social Networks, May 2023
  5. tang_2023_ijcs2.gif
    Shipping on the edge: Negotiations of precariousness in a Chinese real-person shipping fandom community
    Jack Lipei Tang
    International Journal of Cultural Studies, Mar 2023


  1. zhen_2023_is.gif
    Social network dynamics, bots, and community-based online misinformation spread: Lessons from anti-refugee and COVID-19 misinformation cases
    Lichen ZhenBei YanJack Lipei TangYuanfeixue Nan, and Aimei Yang
    The Information Society, Nov 2022
  2. young_2022_jmirfr.jpg
    Social media communication and network correlates of HIV infection and transmission risks among black sexual minority men: Cross-sectional digital epidemiology study
    Lindsay E. YoungJack Lipei Tang, and Yuanfeixue Nan
    JMIR Formative Research, Oct 2022
  3. tang_2022_cjc.png
    Engaging social media in China
    Jack Lipei Tang
    Chinese Journal of Communication, Jul 2022
    Book review
  4. tang_2022_jbem.jpg
    Are you getting Likes as anticipated? Untangling the relationship between received Likes, social support from friends, and mental health via expectancy violation theory
    Jack Lipei Tang
    Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Jun 2022
  5. li_tang_2022_ijoc.jpg
    A trade war with or without Trump: Actual topical knowledge as a moderator of question wording effect on survey responses
    Gabriel Miao Li, and Jack Lipei Tang
    International Journal of Communication, Apr 2022


  1. tang_lee_2020_cmc.jpg
    Understanding investment culture: Ideologies of financialization and Hong Kong young people’s lay theories of investment
    Jack Lipei Tang, and Francis L. F. Lee
    Consumption Markets & Culture, Apr 2022