Jack Lipei Tang | Communication Scholar


3502 Watt Way

Los Angeles, CA 90020

Welcome to my website! I am a Ph.D. candidate at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, USC. My research centers on the convergence of advocacy communication, social justice, and social networks. I draw heavily on network theory and ecological perspectives to explain communication behaviors and outcomes in digital advocacy. I am co-supervised by Prof. Larry Gross and Prof. Lindsay Young.

I employ a diverse range of quantitative and computational analytical tools, including inferential network modeling, machine learning, natural language processing (NLPs), structural equation modeling, and path analysis. Qualitative methods such as in-depth interviews and participatory observation complement my research.

Specifically, my ongoing and future research agenda revolves around three major themes: (1) strategic and advocacy communication with a focus on ethnic, sexual, and gender minority groups in complex information and media environments; (2) information dynamics and social networks that influence policy, health, and risk communication outcomes; (3) political attitudes and behaviors in digital intergroup contexts.

I will join the Department of Advertising and Public Relations at the University of Alabama’s College of Communication and Information Sciences as a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Digital Communication in Fall 2024.


Dec 19, 2023 I got a job offer! :elephant:
Nov 15, 2023 I will present two papers at the 2023 NCA Annual Convention, National Harbor :ship:
Aug 30, 2023 Presented at the 2023 APSA Preconference in Political Communication at UCLA :large_blue_diamond:

selected publications

  1. tang_2023_chb.gif
    Policy communication in times of public health crisis: Longitudinal network analysis of U.S. politician-health agency interactions during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Computers in Human Behavior, Nov 2023
  2. tang_2023_sms.jpg
    Issue communication network dynamics in connective action: The role of non-political influencers and regular users
    Jack Lipei Tang
    Social Media + Society, Jun 2023
  3. zhen_2023_is.gif
    Social network dynamics, bots, and community-based online misinformation spread: Lessons from anti-refugee and COVID-19 misinformation cases
    Lichen ZhenBei YanJack Lipei TangYuanfeixue Nan, and Aimei Yang
    The Information Society, Nov 2022